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ChatGPT: What is Generative AI & Why Does it Matter? (As Explained by a Bot)

ChatGPT Expert Sileo

ChatGPT is a Type of Generative AI (and this post is an example)

(The best way to understand ChatGPT and Generative AI is to show what it can do. So, everything below this line was written by ChatGPT based on the prompt “Write an article about Generative AI and ChatGPT that explains what it is and how it can be used for good or evil”. I added the subtitles and a sentence on the cybersecurity implications of ChatGPT (using RED text) that we are already witnessing. Other than that, everything was written by a bot. – John )

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses operate. From automating repetitive tasks to making complex decisions, AI is already being used in various industries to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the customer experience. However, one area of AI that has gained particular attention in recent years is Generative AI. This technology, which allows AI systems to create new content, has the potential to change the way businesses work in ways that we can’t yet fully anticipate.

One of the most significant changes that generative AI will bring to businesses is the ability to automate the creation of content. For example, a generative AI system can be trained to write news articles, create social media posts, or even compose music. This will save businesses time and money while also allowing them to create more content than ever before.

An Example of Generative AI

ChatGPT is an example of generative AI applied to content creation and is a type of language model developed by OpenAI. It is based on a technology called “transformer” which allows it to understand and generate human language. Essentially, ChatGPT is a program that can understand and respond to natural language text input, it can answer questions, summarize information, generate text and even complete a text given some initial context.

For example, if you ask ChatGPT to write a news article on a specific topic, it can use the information it has learned from a large dataset of text and write an article on that topic. Similarly, it can answer a question that you might ask, such as “What is the capital of France?” or “What is the definition of AI?”. Additionally, it can generate text such as poetry, song lyrics, story, and so on.

It is used in various applications such as chatbots, virtual assistants, automated content generation, language translation, and more. It can be fine-tuned for specific tasks by training it on a smaller dataset of text that is related to that task.

It is a powerful tool for natural language processing, it is capable of understanding and generating human-like text and can be useful in various industries. However, like any AI technology, it has its limitations and it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not always going to produce perfect results.

Other Uses of Generative AI

In addition to creating content, generative AI also has the potential to improve the decision-making process. This is because it can analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns that humans may not be able to see. For example, a generative AI system can be used to predict future market trends, identify potential fraud, or even recommend personalized products to customers.

The Risks of ChatGPT and Generative AI

However, with any new technology comes risk. One of the main risks of generative AI is the potential for it to produce fake or biased content. For example, a generative AI system that is trained on biased data could produce content that is racist, sexist, or just plain inaccurate. This could lead to serious damage to a company’s reputation and credibility.

Another risk of generative AI is the potential for it to be used for malicious purposes. For example, a generative AI system could be used to create deepfake videos or fake news articles that spread misinformation and cause chaos. This could have serious consequences, not just for businesses but for society as a whole. It can also create phishing emails for cybercriminals who don’t speak English, can write malicious software code for malware, ransomware and other tools used by cybercriminals, and it can do it all for free and in a matter of minutes.

In conclusion, Generative AI is a powerful technology that has the potential to change the way businesses work in many ways. However, as with any new technology, it also poses risks that need to be carefully considered. Businesses should be aware of these risks and work to mitigate them in order to fully harness the power of Generative AI.


Cybersecurity keynote speaker John Sileo’s newest keynote speech, Hacking A.I. – Cybersecurity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, explores the changing landscape of technology and cyber threats due to tectonic shifts fostered by ChatGPT, Generative AI, cloud computing, deep fakes, and adaptive ransomware. For every good use of technology, there is a corresponding evil intention exploited by cybercriminals, corporate spies and rogue nation-states. Your awareness, response and resilience has become even more vital to your organization’s performance and reputation. John is offering a limited number of 24 Hacking A.I. keynotes this year due to advanced bookings of his other keynote speeches. Bring him in for this business-oriented, non-technical, cutting-edge cybersecurity update by calling us directly on 303.777.3221 or filling out our Contact Us form.

Top Cybersecurity Trends 2020 & the Perils of Prediction


(i.e., Cybercriminals read the same articles as cybersecurity experts)

Oh how we love to predict the future. Who will win the next Super Bowl, Presidential Election, or Best in Show Pooch-a-thon following the Macy’s Day Parade? I’m frequently asked as a cybersecurity expert to peer into my somewhat cloudy crystal ball and give opinions on what cybersecurity trends the criminals have in store for us. It’s so common at this time of year that I’m thinking of setting up a Fantasy Hacker League to take advantage of our love of betting on things that haven’t yet happened. 

Ironically, cybercriminals read the same predictive articles that we do, but they take notes. And then, innovative as they are, run in the complete opposite direction. Here’s a peek into the cheeto-soaked (that’s a false stereotype by the way – these criminals have PHDs) and highly brilliant minds of organized cybercriminals: “If a CEO is reading this same predictive article on how bad Ransomware is going to be in 2020, and that advice serves as the basis for her decision to over-fund anti-ransomware countermeasures, I, smart hacker that I am, will trade my pick on Ransomware in 2020 and browse the “Insider Theft” section of the cybercrime-gamblers catalog.” 

Unlike football (or dog shows), where the outcome is not influenced by predictions, cyberthreats often become trends because no one has predicted them yet. And by the time they do, the smart criminals have moved onto something new. 

But this isn’t always true, and we still do need to prepare for what is coming, which is why, in the spirit of the season, I can predict with almost perfect accuracy, the Top Cybersecurity Trends for 2020 that will affect the average organization. 

Top Cybersecurity Trends 2020 – The average organization will CONTINUE to…

  • Treat cyber risk as an overwhelming tech puzzle rather than a solvable business issue
  • Fail to budget appropriate funds to train the humans that misuse the technology
  • Give hackers easy access to the crown jewels by allowing pet names as passwords (see graphic)
  • Shut down for weeks or pay the ransom due to system backups that “just won’t restore”
  • Spend inordinate amounts of cash to protect “all the data” instead of “the right data”
  • Lose more data to incompetence, human error and malicious insiders than to hackers
  • Live in a Fantasy League where “something like this” can’t happen to “someone like them”

Why can I predict these and other trends so accurately? Because they have been trending for the past ten years and show no signs of stopping. The good news is that everything in this list is eminently solvable if you dedicate the appropriate time, budget and leadership focus. While you are taking action on the above items, don’t forget to consider the Top 2020 Cybersecurity Trends, Part II.

Top Cybersecurity Trends 2020 (What You Were Actually Looking For)

The Internet of Things and Ransomware Will Get Married. Instead of just freezing an organizations’ computers, ransomware will burrow it’s way into WiFi-connected refrigerators, industrial control systems, operational sensors and monitors, pace-makers, emergency room equipment, traffic lights and anything connected to the internet. It will then freeze the operation of the device and ultimately will demand that you pay a sizeable ransom to (maybe) get your nuclear power plant back online. 

Leading Organizations Will Discover a Centuries-Old Cybersecurity Tool: Going Analog Once information or operational systems are digitized, they are vulnerable to attack by remote forces—including hostile nation states, organized crime and malicious competitors. In other words, when the only method of controlling a system is digital, hackers have a way to assume 100% control. Going analog—introducing human and physical “backstops” into your security supply chain—provides the best defense against network-based remote control takeover. We will see traditional analog systems (paper ballots) increase security in the 2020 Presidential Election, better protect the electric grid (manual on/off switches) and decrease the chance of hacked naval navigation (sextants). 

Data Manipulation Will Challenge Financial Gain For Top Cybercrime Honors 

Data manipulation is unique among cybercrimes because it’s not about taking the information — it’s about altering the data. The information generally never leaves the owner’s servers, so the criminal raises no red flags that something is amiss. This makes it much harder to catch, and it can be much more destructive. Think maliciously altering flight plans with air traffic controllers, altering bank account balances, or appending your criminal record with fictitious arrests. Every one of us takes data integrity for granted, except for cybercriminals, who will use that bias against us. Think of data manipulation as a virus that invades the body and alters its fundamental DNA. The damage is done quietly, and you may never know it happened.

A.I. Won’t Take Over the World, But it Will Follow Malicious Instructions Like a Robot

Right now, artificial intelligence is more human than we think. From my experience peering under the hood of AI-enabled technology like smart TVs, digital assistants and end-point cybersecurity products, I’m constantly amazed by how much human input and monitoring is necessary to make them “smart.” But that is changing as machine learning progresses. We tend to focus on AI taking over the world (thanks to the movies), but it’s not that we need to fear. It’s AI in the hands of would-be dictators and cybercriminals. Fathom, for a moment, Darth Vader, Hitler or a cyberterrorist in charge of an army of robots that always obey their leader’s command. As always, there is the positive side of the technology, and AI will be used to detect malicious attacks and defend the data on which our economy runs. 

To help you get ahead of these topics, I will be writing at length and speaking on all of the above trends (and more) in 2020. Please check back here often, or connect with me to get our latest news on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. In the meantime, resist the trend to let fear paralyze you in taking action on cybersecurity.  


About Cybersecurity Keynote Speaker John Sileo

John Sileo is the founder and CEO of The Sileo Group, a cybersecurity think tank, in Lakewood, Colorado, and an award-winning author, keynote speaker and expert on intentional technology, cybersecurity and data privacy.