Cybersecurity Expert & Hall-of-Fame Keynote Speaker
Watch John’s Speakers Hall of Fame Acceptance Speech
John’s Story of Loss Inspires Organizations to Take Action
John Sileo lost his multi-million-dollar startup, his wealth, and two years of his life to cybercrime. It began when a hacker electronically embezzled from the company’s clients using John’s identity. John was initially held legally and financially responsible for the felonies committed. The losses not only destroyed his company and decimated his finances, but consumed two years of young fatherhood as he fought to stay out of jail.
But John’s story has a happy ending and has become a worldwide catalyst for change. Since being found innocent of all crimes (and the real hacker put in jail), John has made it his life’s work to share hard-earned wisdom as a cybersecurity expert, award-winning author, 60 Minutes guest, and keynote speaker. His happy clients range from the Pentagon to Amazon, small associations to enterprise organizations. His mission is to keep others from becoming the next disastrous data breach headline. John specializes in the human elements of cybersecurity and uses disarming humor, audience interaction, and cutting-edge research to keep his training relevant and entertaining.
John is President & CEO of The Sileo Group, a Colorado-based technology think tank, and serves on a variety of boards. He graduated with honors from Harvard University and was recently inducted into the National Speakers Hall of Fame. John finds his greatest joy in spending time with the loves of his life: his wife, two daughters, and mini golden doodle. And yes, life’s bumps have shaped him into a slightly over-protective but well-intentioned helicopter dad.

Speaker John Sileo in the News
John Sileo was the featured subject of a 60 Minutes International segment on identity theft and cybercrime and has appeared as a cybersecurity expert on networks and shows including Anderson Cooper, Good Morning America, FOX Business, NBC, Rachael Ray, ABC, Dr. Oz, and Fox & Friends. His work has been published in and quoted by hundreds of journals, including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Kiplinger’s, and USA Today.
John’s wheelhouse is making technology and security entertaining, non-technical, and easy to understand. He takes a potentially dry topic and brings it to life for audiences around the world.
Watch a video montage of a few of John’s appearances.
Sileo Teaches Security through Humor, Not Fear
Professional Profile of Speaker John Sileo
- Keynote speaker on cyber security and technology
- Inducted into the National Speakers Hall of Fame
- Graduated with honors from Harvard University
- Award-winning author of four books
- Expert on 60 Minutes, Anderson Cooper, Good Morning America, Rachel Ray, Fox & Friends
- Contributor to USA Today, Washington Post & Kiplinger
- Focuses on making cybersecurity fun, so that it sticks
- Live-hacks audience iPhones on stage
- CEO of The Sileo Group, a hi-tech think tank
- Proud father and husband, 2nd-degree blackbelt